Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Marsh Mellows VS Frosted Oates

Today I needed my son to be quiet while I called some accounts for my boss. Ashlyn was at school so I just had to make sure Josh was entertained for about 1 hour. I got out all the toys I hate him playing with because they are so messy. I let him have whatever the heck he wanted basically.

Twenty minutes into calling these accounts I was like wow Josh is super quiet and being really good. I then looked across the room to notice he had gotten a brand new box of Lucky Charms out that had just been opened this morning. He had managed to dump the entire box of them out and was chowing away. Mind you he had had a bowl of them for breakfast already and also some toast and a banana. Anyhow I was like whatever its all dumped out now and he is being good. I will worry about that later.

So about 30 minutes later I had finished calling the accounts and I got up to clean up the cereal. I then noticed that he had managed to eat all of the marsh mellows out of the entire box. Not leaving one marsh mellow and I am not exaggerating here. I was under the impression that the frosted oats tasted just as good. I was sorely mistaken today. Anyhow if there is anyone out there that likes the frosted Oates and not the marsh mellows I have a whole container full of them marsh mellows excluded.


Anonymous said...

I am telling you, this kid knows what's up. Of course, since I was a kid, I eat the oats first and save all the marshmellows for last!

kellie said...

That is so funny, because every time I go on a walk with Mack I give him a cup of lucky charms. He sits with his chubby hands and sifts all the marshmellows out!! I'm not kidding, I get the biggest kick out of it because when we get home, there is a cup filled with just the oat cereal. He will not eat even one of them! They are two peas in a pod I tell you.

Rykell said...

That is so funny. That kid has a thing for marshmallows I guess. At least you didn't have green clovers and purple horseshoes in you milk this time!! I love Josh, what a stinker!

Heather said...

Good for you Josh! I too love the marshmellows.

Howells Family said...

That is too stinkin funny... and I am glad it was a whole box... Olivia does that too when she gets them for breakfast all she eats is the marshmellows then we force her to eat the rest... Too cute...