Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I think I am getting Old...........

Well I am 29 years old and in two months I will be 30. Last Saturday Mark, my Dad, and I put in our sprinkling system. After about four hours of work I was slowing down from Jaguar speed to Turtle speed. My dad was slowing down as well but was still showing more strength and energy than I. My dad would ask me to hand him something across the way and about five minutes later I was able to convince my brain to get up and get it for him.

Well eight hours later we had finished. All the pipes were laid and hooked up. All we had left was to bury the pipes which we could not do until we had checked them to see if they would work. Luckily my dad said we could not test them until the next day. I literally could not move. That night I gave the kids a bath and put them to bed and I crashed.

Well 7:00 then next day rolled around and Josh was awake. I am not sure how I rolled my self out of that bed but I did and walking down the stairs was even worse. My legs were so sore from kneeling down and getting up. I didn't even do any cardio and I am this sore. What is wrong with me? I go swimming three days a week, play basketball and softball once a week. I would not have even thought I would be that sore. It only got worse from there. My arms and legs ached all day Sunday and all day Monday. Today, they are sore but I think I will be able to go swimming at least.

So to conclude on my ramblings I have decided I am not just getting old I am old. I feel old and it really scares me. I am not even 30 years old yet. I hope I can continue to be active and do the things I do because if not, I don't want to know what my body will do do from just a walk around the block.


Julia said...

GIRLLLLLLLLL... don't be callin' 30old. You're probably just preggers, but don't know it yet. Take it from me, I know all about how that works.

ME: "Hmmm. I'm so tired all the time. I must have low iron or something."

PREGO TEST 31/2 months later: "+"

Anonymous said...

Just wait until you are 31. My body is falling apart.

Ha ha! :)

TR said...

You're not old, Nat. Probably just lazy and out of shape.


I'm kidding of course. We did our sprinklers last year and I remember the aches and pains.

kellie said...

Oh... But think of how you will really appreciate those sprinklers when your grass is looking so lush and green! :) You are making it so nice for me to come and lay out in the sun and enjoy. HAA Im teasing. I am truly sorry for your soreness!!