Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Well lets start with the good. Last night as Mark was putting Ashlyn to bed she said one of the funniest things we have heard come out of her mouth in a while. Ashlyn has a stuffed unicorn that she named Polly. She sleeps next to Ash every night. Last night she told Mark that Polly was really sad because some hunters shot and killed her mom. We were laughing hysterically. She was a bit embarrassed after saying it but I did manage to get some pictures. Poor Polly!

The Bad and the Ugly are combined into one story. On my counter the other day I had my onion chopper out. You know the ones with two blades that go in circles and chop onions in a container for you? Well Ashlyn decided it would be fun to play with, so she got it down to play with. I had no idea this was happening or I would have taken it away immediately. I thought they were playing with the many toys scattered all over the floor back there. Next thing I know, Josh is screaming like I had never heard before. I get up and see a lot of blood coming from Joshy's knee. Then I look down and notice the blade sitting inches from his foot. I then grab Josh and run upstairs to get the firs aid kit. I Wrapped him up and headed for the car. I knew that he would for sure need stitches. The little trooper stopped crying by this point so I wondered if he cut through the nerves or something. The cut was pretty deep.

We got to the Doctor and they agreed that he would indeed need stitches. several of them in fact. They gave him seven shots of litocain and started stitching. they had to do stitches in side the wound and then on the outside totaling about 17 to 20 stitches. He was good for the inside stitches not making much of a fuss and then as they did the outside ones, I don't think it hurt but he just kept saying "done, done, done" The Doctors and Nurse thought he was quite the character. They also had to have 3 nurses and the doctor to hold him down. They just said he is really strong. Josh was pretty tough through it all though. He was giving the nurses fives and knuckles.

After he was all done we went to Grandmas to get Ashlyn. He stayed there while I ran to the store to get him some band aids and neosporin. When I got back he was swinging and smiling. I knew he was probably just happy cause the litocain had not worn off yet. He was running and having a great old time.

The next morning was a different story. He stopped walking and just cried all day saying owie, owie. He has pretty much sat in my lap since then. He really doesn't want to walk or move. He keeps saying stuck to me. I think he means his knee is stuck because he does not want to move it. All I have to say is I did not have need stitches until I was 28 years old and Josh was the cause of those. Mark on the other hand had several throughout his years as a kid. Lets hope Josh starts taking after me a little more Mark a little less.


TR said...

That kid is always banged up. Good thing he's tough. I've love getting knuckles from Josh - what a little stud!

Heather said...

Wow! Poor little Josh, hope he is feeling better soon. Ayana has that same shirt Ashlyn is wearing!!!

Julia said...

Little Joshy remind me of a certain little boy I am mommy to. Three ER trips before he turned two. Should I be broadcasting that? What kind of a mom am I?

Josh, play it up for all you can little dude. Hugs, kisses, candy, you name it, you should get it. Here's a hug and a kiss from me... Squeeze, muwah.

Julie said...

The stinkin pampered chef! Seriously! That is one of the saddest stitches stories I have ever heard. I sure hope Josh can get out and run around like a crazy kid again soon.

Karleigh Tomlinson said...

Hey this is your cousin Karleigh (anthony)! How weird that I came across your blog well I found it through Craig's! So I'm super excited! Now I can see all that you do...especially since I live in another country...well not really! Oregon is just a little special, sometime it feels like i'm not in the United States! Anwyays your family is so cute Ashlyn cracks me up! Hopefully I'll see you guys over the summer!

Rykell said...

I am glad Josh is walking on his leg again. He is a true blue trooper. That has to hurt. And poor Polly. I hope Ashy can comfort her! Your a great mom Nat.
Love you guys!

Christian and Karen Robinson said...

Poor little Joshy!! Hope he's feeling better.

We missed you at Jenny's wedding!!