Monday, January 14, 2008


Okay so I have been going on Thursday nights to play basketball with ex-high school and college players. My first time going I was completely winded and I felt as if I was not dressed like a winner. I feel what I did about this completely changed my game last week. First off I made my husband go buy me some shorts. You need to have a nice looking pair of shorts when you are playing ball. Next thing I did was I got myself a pair of Air Jordan's. Those I got for free but they were brand new so I was feeling good. I showed up to the game feeling like a total champ. So I warmed up shooting around and then the game started. I had the game of my life. I scored eight 3-pointers, had 6 blocked shots two of which were amazing and more like a rejection, and need I forget to say I had a sweet reverse lay up as well? By the end of the game I totaled out at about 40 points. You might wonder if I passed the ball at all. I will say yes I did. We were playing four on four and my other teammates had at least 10 0r more points. I must owe most of the credit to my outfit and shoes. I was not winded at all and my shoes gave me the extra bounce I needed in my shot. It has been really fun playing and I have enjoyed meeting new people that love basketball like I do.

As for my other random thoughts. I thought I would explain the Markalie thing. You know how in Hollywood they call Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck Bennifer or Tom and Katie TomKat? Well I find it just fascinating (sarcasm) so I have named mark and I Markalie. I mean I am sure the couples love their lives being intruded on all the time and I am positive they just love the nicknames. I would and I do so now I have one. I know I am not famous but you never know. I could be someday. So now we all know where that was thought up.

The last thing I wanted to get off my chest, is my son, literally. When I am holding my son he sticks his hand down my shirt. He also does when I am feeding him a bottle or putting him to sleep. My daughter did it to. I can't figure out why though. I do not have big boobs so that can't be it. It is really embarrassing when I am holding him in church or somewhere public and he sticks his hand down there and pulls my shirt half way down for the world to see. Ashlyn did the same thing but she would stick her hand down her aunts and grandmas shirts to. Josh only does it to me. I have no problems with my son being a booby man but he is a little young and I have like 10 scratches on my chest from him sticking his hand down there and I am not feeling like I want him to continue with this.

That is all for now.


TR said...

Nat, if you do get famous, you should leave Mark. He'd never make it in Hollywood - he's better suited for Boley's Ghetto!

Julie said...

You totally have nice boobs.

rykell said...

What boobs?