Thursday, January 31, 2008


Last night I went to a relief society dinner in my ward. It was nice. I met some new people and enjoyed myself a lot. My friend Nicole and I went together and I am always glad to have her to go with me. I have always hated going to those things alone. I had every intention of coming home by 8:00 so that Mark could be free of the kids during his PPI but I just couldn't bring myself to leave. At about 7:45 the Stake Relief Society President got up and gave a great talk. It was a much needed talk on my part. She spoke of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. She said we need to take time to have a relationship with him and to take the time to do the things that helps in having that relationship such as scriptures, going to church, prayer, and much more. She said if we do these things everything esle in life will fall into place. So I ended up staying to listen to her speak and did not make it back for my husband. Once I explained why I stayed he was not mad at all. I am so happy I stayed. I feel I needed to hear that and that I need to work harder at having a better relationship with Heavenly Father. I think I finally have a New Years Goal (even though I really never make goals). I never really cared for Relief Society until maybe the past 4 years. I am glad I am finally getting involved and thankful I am on the enrichment board. It forces me to go to these activites that I never went to before. I guess Heavenly Father knows me better than I think.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing that testimony. When I read what you write I can't believe its my favorite blue dart friend. You are so grown up now...although I am sure you still get a kick out of lighting your butt on fire. I love ya Natalie. I miss you, wish we could hang out again.