Its been a while since I wrote about the kids and the funny things they have been doing so I decided to do my next post about them. I will start out with Ashlyn. The other day we were sitting next to each other watching a movie and she said to me "Mom you are my best friend" I of course told her the same. I then asked her how much she loved me and she said "How much I love you is 25". I assume that is a lot. I am not sure she can count past that so as far as she can count she loves me. At night when I am putting Josh to sleep Mark puts Ashlyn to sleep. I always enjoy listening to their conversations and her prayers. Just the other night for the first time she said she was thankful for Jesus. I thought that was so cute. Back when I was sick last summer each night she would pray for mom to get feeling better. Even when I was feeling better she would say it and to this day every once in a while she will pray for me to get feeling better. She also says she is hungry once she is all tucked in her bed. Mark has decided to try and not give her food in bed anymore so he asked if she was going to eat it now or in the morning and she says that she is just going to save it for the morning. So mark says I will leave it outside your room. The other night she requested cheese. Mark said OK I will leave it out side for you and then Ashlyn says well it might get old, just cut it up and leave it in the fridge for me. She is quite bossy. The last thing that was funny she said that night was how long am I gonna sleep for and Mark said 10 hours and she said that's a long time but ok. And lastly about Ash is talking about this picture of her in this blog. The other day I was cooking dinner and I walk over to wipe the table and I notice Ashlyn has put blocks that are square only on each square on my rug. She does funny things like this all the time. She organizes her candy in colors and sizes and her crayons and Markers are all organized as such as well. I start to worry she might be OCD but then I remember how messy she can be and I realize she is probably just really smart and a little anal.
Okay now for Josh. His won't be as long but he is pretty funny himself. Josh's new words are: I Funny, I crazy, Yellow, phone, and Naughty. He laughs at himself all the time and says I funny. If I tell him he is crazy he says I azy for crazy, the other day Ash and I were saying yellow and Josh says Mellow. When Josh sees a phone he always says phone, and when he does something that is naughty he is the first to say that as well. He is such a talker. When Mark takes him outside he heads straight for the mud. He enjoys being outside more than anything. I can't wait till its warm all the time. The other day we bought Josh some Nike Shocks and he walks around staring at them like he is so cool. Josh also thinks he is so big. When I try to give him a sippy cup he won't take it. He wants a cup like mine with whatever I am drinking. Its kind of a pain. Well Josh's funny story of them all is when I was at Costco with Grandma Holley and we were walking by the clothes and there was a lady looking at the woman's swim suits. They are all on those plastic models. She ended up making like 10 0f them fall and it was loud. As we walked by Josh said "ice, ice, ice". That means nice for those that don't know. When ever he or Ash spill or do something we always so nice to them so Josh thought he should say Ice to the lady for dropping everything. Anyhow the kids definitely keep us entertained.
They are both so stinkin cute!! I love that Josh is talking so much. I miss you all, It feels like forever since we've seen you.
Your kids are so cute. Ash says and does the funniest things and I love that Josh rhymes. It reminds me of Fezzik in the Princess Bride. Maybe you can shape his future that way. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be a rhyming Giant!
What is it with kids and wanting to eat right at bedtime. Ethan does the exact same thing. Crazy kids, you gotta love them!!! I can't believe how old Josh is. They are both so adorable, good work you two!!!
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