Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Diving

Last night I turned on the Olympics and synchronized diving was on. Josh and Ashlyn thought it was the coolest thing ever. They would both yell Whoa really loud and then say awesome or nice after each dive. It was so funny to watch them enjoy it. When Mark got home Ashlyn said to him that she watched the Mexicans and the china people dive. It was funny that she was paying that much attention to who was diving. Just thought I would share what we have done the last few days.


Julia said...

It's kind of cool to see little kids so interested in something that's not traditionally "kid-ish".

Heather said...

I too loved the diving. It's one of my favorites. Your kids are so funny.

Jaime said...

It's been fun watching the Olympics. That's funny that they like the diving...cute.